I won't lie to you...I'm a super preppy girl. I love a good cardigan, patterned flats and a sweet side braid once in a while. Needless to say, I love anything nautical. This past week has been a chilly one after some promising warm weather in March, so to cheer myself up from having to put the capris and sandals away again in exchange for pants and flats, I did a little perusing for some cute spring clothes. I just love the classic combo of navy and red. Think warm thoughts Winnipeg!
Stay cute!
- Holls
Well blogosphere, I have a confession to make: I totally unintentionally quit blogging. Maybe it was the summer months that had me finding better things to do (mostly outside), maybe it was getting sick of my layout and finding something more interesting to look at (mostly outside), but no matter what the reason, I'm back. Lately I've had a desire to blog that I haven't had in a long time, so here I am. Back, with no promises of being better.
So what difference does a year make? Well, when I last left you at Summer 2011, school was done for the summer, and I was excited to go on a camping trip for the summer, and single as single can be. Spring 2012 has me looking forward to summer vacation, and just back from a trip to Vegas...with the boyfriend. I can't say I saw that one coming, but nobody really did.
Either way, here I sit, head over heels with M, who has technically existed for 30 years, has been known to me for a year and a half, but has only been making me a better person for 6 months. Sometimes, life just has to beat you over the head with something for you to get the message. Yes, I've know his brother and SIL for 8 years, yes we met at their social a year and a half ago, yes he used to live across the hall from my sister in her old apartment, but no, we never got together. Alright Universe, I get it!
In other less mushy news, what's everyone doing for Easter? My sister and I will be packing up our boys and heading out to my Mom's (she lives in a small town an hour away from us) for dinner. Crab salad? Yes please!
Since M has an assignment due soon and I just wrapped up parent-teacher interviews AND tomorrow is a family day, I'm taking tonight as an "all about me" night. I see a manicure, bubble bath, starbucks and a few chapters of "Catching Fire" in my future. (I just can't put the Hunger Games trilogy down!)
Stay cute!
- holls