Tuesday, July 5, 2011

{Summer Lovin'}

Hello my poor neglected blog!  As you can guess, the last two weeks of school were beyong busy and chaotic, but now, it's nothing but sunshine and poolside!  I have lots to update about, the Beach Boys concert, meeting John Stamos, and plans for a big move.  But for now, some summer snapshots to enjoy!
My sister and I have been a little obsessed with taking full advantage of her apartment's (and soon mine also!) pool.  Days spent laying in the sun, sipping iced tea, listening to music, and of course, swimming!  I could get used to this being the daily routine!

Leaving for a weekend tubing trip to Red Lake Falls, MN on Friday, of course with a shopping detour along the way!  I'm thinking my next post will be a wishlist for my new apartment.  Happy Summer!

Stay cute!