Well, in honour of my trip stateside Friday, list week's Wishlist Wednesday is inspired by Target (or tar-jay as my sister and I affectionately call it.) We don't have Target in my city (yet, we're getting one soon!) So it's (sadly) at treat to go shop there! I'm always impressed by how much selection and cute stuff there is for such cheap prices!
So, in the spirit of my move in 9 days, here are some things I hope to stock up on during my pilgramage to the land of reasonable prices!
I'm a total coffee fiend, and so is my "almost roomie" My little 2 cup coffee maker isn't going to cut it anymore!
There's just something about the asymmetrical lines, and the simple black and white contrast that I just love. I can't wait to start plating yummy food on these plates!
3. Bar Pan
I've always been attracted to cute little bars. I think making "muffin bars" would be beyond adorable for lunches, and portion control!
4. Anything Rachael Ray...
I just love her kitchen style. When (not if!) I get to design my dream kitchen someday, I'm going to fully stock it with Rachael Ray products. I especially love these sweet little casserole dishes. From the oven to the table!
Stay cute!