Sunday, May 8, 2011

{Weekend Recap}

What a long overdue laid back weekend.  Most weekends lately have revolved around sleeping in, drinking and recovering the next day, but for whatever reason, this weekend was different.  In a complete coincidence, it was way more productive than most other weekends too!

Friday night was spent going for birthday drinks to celebrate the lovely Miss Kristin's birthday.  The tiki huts at the bar we frequent were finally open for the spring, and we definitely took advantage!  Although it was still a little chilly, it wasn't anything a cardi couldn't fix.  There's nothing like a ceasar after a long week of work!

Saturday morning included a phenomenal amount of sleeping in, and then nursing my poor sister Paige back to health.  In true Holly and Paige style though, it wasn't anything Taco Bell can't fix.  Diet be damned, I will never give up my undying love of Taco Bell!  Satuday night was the most low key of all - sitting around with a group of friends playing cards.  Since when were we 80?  Since when did I enjoy that??

Today is a me day!  Cleaned the apartment top to bottom, organized my jewellry, worked out, made a yum-o supper of chicken parmesean, snow peas and pasta, and am planning to settle in for the rest of the night with a cup of coffee and Celebrity Apprentice.  Did I mention I stayed in my pj's all day today?  Bliss.

Next weeks goal?  Take pictures!

Holls ©