I've been spending my days packing for the move on Friday. I'll update about Red Lake Falls and the actual move once I'm in the new place and settled in. For now, just a cute Seuss quote. Love the way it was doodled. Credit to the random tumblr I found it on. (Unknown?) Also, new layout!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
{Tubing Trip Dream Outfit}
Well, I leave bright and early for my weekend of friends, tubing, sunshine, and shopping bright and early tomorrow! I'm just getting my things put together and packed before I head out to Red Lake Falls, MN, but was suffering from the usual "I hate my clothes, I wish I had ____." So, here's my dream camping outfit! Are the shoes practical for camping? Absolutely not. Are they adorable? Absolutely! I'm in love!
tubing trip
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
{Wishlist Wednesday - Target}
Well, in honour of my trip stateside Friday, list week's Wishlist Wednesday is inspired by Target (or tar-jay as my sister and I affectionately call it.) We don't have Target in my city (yet, we're getting one soon!) So it's (sadly) at treat to go shop there! I'm always impressed by how much selection and cute stuff there is for such cheap prices!
So, in the spirit of my move in 9 days, here are some things I hope to stock up on during my pilgramage to the land of reasonable prices!
I'm a total coffee fiend, and so is my "almost roomie" My little 2 cup coffee maker isn't going to cut it anymore!
There's just something about the asymmetrical lines, and the simple black and white contrast that I just love. I can't wait to start plating yummy food on these plates!
3. Bar Pan
I've always been attracted to cute little bars. I think making "muffin bars" would be beyond adorable for lunches, and portion control!
4. Anything Rachael Ray...
I just love her kitchen style. When (not if!) I get to design my dream kitchen someday, I'm going to fully stock it with Rachael Ray products. I especially love these sweet little casserole dishes. From the oven to the table!
Stay cute!

Wishlist Wednesday
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
{Summer Lovin'}
Hello my poor neglected blog! As you can guess, the last two weeks of school were beyong busy and chaotic, but now, it's nothing but sunshine and poolside! I have lots to update about, the Beach Boys concert, meeting John Stamos, and plans for a big move. But for now, some summer snapshots to enjoy!
My sister and I have been a little obsessed with taking full advantage of her apartment's (and soon mine also!) pool. Days spent laying in the sun, sipping iced tea, listening to music, and of course, swimming! I could get used to this being the daily routine!
Leaving for a weekend tubing trip to Red Lake Falls, MN on Friday, of course with a shopping detour along the way! I'm thinking my next post will be a wishlist for my new apartment. Happy Summer!
Stay cute!
tubing trip
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
{My Secret Dream Revealed}
What to say? June is a crazy month for us teachers. Track and field day, field trips, report cards, oh yeah, and kids that are not neccesarily on their best behaviour...at all. Needless to say, I've been enjoying going to bed earlier and earlier this month. Which is slightly awkward since the sun stays up later and later. Hmm. Well, only 9 more school days with kids, and then it's summer break for this teacher, yay!
Today was the last day of class for the seniors at our school. In true 18 year old style, they had to go out with a bang:
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I full approve of this for the record, teacher or not! |
Speaking of summer, note to self (slash, the entire world) my seester and I have come up with a "summer bucket list" that I should post before we actually start tackling it. (Pictures to follow as we check each item off, of course!)
Part of my summer bucket list involves being incredibly lame. My dear friend Kaeleigh and I got together last night to come up with a game plan for our challenge. We want to *drumroll please* do a lot of canning and preserving this summer. (I told you we're lame! It's kind of what our friendship is based on.)
So after cruising the farmers market website, and using this awesome Simple Bites article for inspiration, we have our top four recipies chosen: salsa, pickles, bolognese sauce, jam, and vanilla spiced pears. (Anybody have a fantastic dill pickle or bolognese sauce recipe?) In addition to tons of frozen and canned in season fruits and veggies. I'm ridiculously excited for this. (I think it might have something to do with my secret dream of being of 1950s housewife.)
Bucket List,
Summer Project
Friday, June 10, 2011
Even though Seester and I are going shopping tomorrow, I couldn't help but browse through Forever 21's summer dresses online while enjoying my morning coffee. I have realized that I may or may not have a problem. Or two.
- My love of shopping and clothes has been renewed. I was in a slump for a while, trying to be content with what I had. But apparently all it took was a season change, and a little weight loss to jump start my relationship with clothes. Textures, patterns, colour, mixing, matching, accessorizing *swoon*
- I clearly have a passion for flowers this season. In my hair, on my dresses, on blouses, on my purses, on my headbands... I just love how much they can vary - looking anywhere form sweet to funky. My closet is starting to look like a garden with all the floral print! (My secret? I have no intention of stopping!)
My four favorite dresses (thus far...)
Happy Weekend all!
Stay cute!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
{The Poutinerie}
A little backstory for those of you who have not experience the life altering experience called poutine. Us Canadians (eh?) love us a little treat of fries, smothered in gravy, and melted mozza cheese curds. There's a Canadian restaurant called The Poutinerie that puts a twist on poutine, adding different ingredients to switch things up. Winnipeg just got one, so the gang ventured downtown to try it out. After doing a couple laps in downtown Winnipeg trying to find the restaurant...and then parking, we enjoyed some deliciousness in the sunshine!
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Left to Right: Peppercorn Steak Poutine, Philly Cheeseteak Poutine, Bacon Cheeseburger Poutine, and Nachos Grande Poutine. Yum! |
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Paige is in love. |
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Joel's look of complete domination, and contentment. |
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Leftovers! |
The plans for tomorrow? Enjoy a personal day off of work to kick off a long weekend! (At least it's a long weekend to me!) Ahh, looking forward to sleeping in, coffee in the sunshine, a shopping trip to Forever 21 with the seester for some summer cuteness, and then a birthday party Saturday night. Oh, and did I mention game 5 of the playoffs? Go Bruins!
Stay cute!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
{May Long 2011}
If a picture is worth a thousand words, this weekend was worth a million.
Why is this update so delayed? Let's just say it involved a "slight" misplacing of my camera. In a restaurant. Two weeks ago. 860 pictures safely returned. Happy girl.
More frequent updates to come.
Stay cute!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
{Wishlist Wednesday}
Inspired by the sunshine that decided to make an appearance this week, I'm loving Dyanmite's summer line.
I love the look of pairing almost exclusively neutrals with one bold pop of colour. I see brown and red getting together in my closet's future!
Such cute prints and colours with sweet details around the neckline, and breezy fabric.
Having so many weddings to attend this summer means lots of new dresses! I'm so in love with the variety of styles, cuts, colours, fabrics, everything! A dress for every wedding, for casual days at home, and even one for school. Can you tell I'm a girlie girl?

And one bold pop of colour to switch things up!
Is Dynamite a mainstream store with "simply" designed clothes? Absolutely. Am I loving it anyway? Totally. Just my style.
Wishlist Wednesday
Monday, May 16, 2011
{Music Monday}
Well, in honour of the members only event this weekend, I couldn't help but listen to a lot of Hanson and wish that I was there. I'm going to save you the schpiel about how they're not 11 and singing MMMBop, and assume since you're reading my blog that you've gotten over that.
The new album "Shout It Out" came out last summer, and even though I wouldn't say it's my favorite album of theirs (sorry boys, that title still goes to Underneath) but it's so catchy and fun, it's perfect for summertime.
My favorite summer song:
My favorite song from the album:
My favorite new artist that I recently discovered is Ellie Goulding. Is she not the cutest little thing ever? Her voice is so pure and haunting. And she covers Elton John...how is she not absolutely fantastic? I think her album Lights is going to be my next purchase.
What are you currently loving?

Ellie Goulding,
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